Tag Archives: history
The Greatest Minor League (Dennis Snelling)
So much has been written about the history of major league baseball that it’s startling to come upon a book that shares stories about teams and sports legends that most people have never heard before. That’s because the popular history … Continue reading
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Filed under sports
Lincoln and Darwin Dual Bicentennial
A remarkable coincidence will be observed next week. Two men who made enormous impacts on the world were born on the same day two hundred years ago: February 12, 1809. Abraham Lincoln, arguably the greatest American president, was born in … Continue reading
How the States Got Their Shapes (Mark Stein)
I devoured maps as a kid. The endless intersecting lines within an atlas could entertain me for an hour at a time, and I’d recreate the the curves and jagged edges with paper and pencil. The United States map is … Continue reading
Filed under history
Thunderstruck (Erik Larson)
In this age of cell phones and constant communication, it’s easy to think our generation is the first that can’t get away from everything. We’ve become connected 24/7. I’ve made calls from mountain ridges and remote bike trails. I still … Continue reading
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Filed under history, technology
First Scientific American (Joyce Chaplin)
I was telling you last time how much enjoy reading about Benjamin Franklin. Now permit me to mention the umpteenth biography I’ve read about him. Franklin had at least five successful careers: writer, businessman, scientist, civic leader, international statesman. Biographers … Continue reading