Category Archives: sidebar
April Fool’s Part 2
I was lucky enough to set two spoofs in motion this April Fool’s Day. One was for our staff on my library’s intranet page, and one was for the public on Twitter. I posted the staff prank in my previous … Continue reading →
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Tagged as A Tale of Two Cities, April Fools, Books on Twitter, Dickens, prank, Twitter
April Fool’s Part 1
I’ve done at least ten system-wide April Fool’s jokes at work over the years. I must have a reputation now, because one coworker just passed me in the hall, wagged a finger at me and said “I haven’t looked at … Continue reading →
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Tagged as April Fools, Berenstain Bears, books, reading
Ready for Winter
Here in the Pacific Northwest, the leaves are falling by the wheelbarrow and a chill is in the air. Time to start collecting things to read like squirrels collecting nuts. I always have bookmarks in several books at once, and … Continue reading →
Old books
The overwhelming majority of the books I read are new. Many are freshly published clothbound or paperback books with new book smell. Most are fewer than five years old. But older books still warm my heart. I love the look … Continue reading →